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Serotonine metabolism and fibromyalgia

E. Legangneux and JJ Mora, in 1999, using a different method of investigation (Cerebrospinal fluid biogenic amine metabolites, plasma-rich platelet serotonin and imipramine reuptake in the primary fibromyalgia syndrome, Nov. 1999) did not confirm in their work that serotonin metabolism is dysregulated in these patients, and if some had reduced serotonin levels for most rates were high. This would explain the worsening of symptoms, or other symptoms, by the addition of serotonin due to antidepressants. The identification of low serum tryptophan (precursor to serotonin) and serotonin would be a simple process to identify those who respond well to this therapeutic approach (Altern Med Rev 1998; 3 (5):367-375), but these assays are not performed in routine practice.

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