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Hormonal imbalance

Dr. George Gillson, M.D., medical director of the laboratory in Calgary RMA cites a typical example: “A 35 year old woman has been removing the uterus and ovaries, and her doctor prescribed an oral estrogen. She does not receive progesterone because her doctor believes she does not need since she has no longer her uterus! A few months later, she gained 15 pounds, she is constantly tired, she is always cold and her hair starts to become sparse. Thyroid tests are normal and the doctor said there is nothing he can do more. This woman has a functional thyroid deficiency due to the effect of estrogen non-balanced by progesterone, which causes a state of estrogen dominance. To avoid this problem, her doctor should have prescribed progesterone as well, even though she no longer has her uterus, to maintain the hormonal balance and avoid the impact of the thyroid”.

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