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Methotrexate, Quinine, Aspirin, Minoxidil

– Methotrexate was initially used to treat malignancy. Many years later it was discovered to treat, at a much lower dose, several types of arthritic conditions.

– Quinine is well known as a treatment for malaria. It has given rise to new quinine-like drug, hydroxychloroquine, known as Plaquenil, to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
– When aspirin was discovered in 1897 it was in use at a high dose to treat inflammation, but eighteen years later doctors found that aspirin at a low dose has no more anti-inflammatory action but was as blood thinner.

– Minoxidil in pills is used to treat high blood pressure, and in lotion to help growing hair on the scalp.

– Ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs have found a new indication in treating premenstruel syndrome (PMS).

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